Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledž


Eesti Infotehnoloogia Kolledži õppeaasta avaaktus (29. august 2012)

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Kaugõppe infotund 2012

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Public Lecture by Max Ogden on “How collaboration works in a large open source community”

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Glen Koskela – “Nature of the IT industry is tough, its trends and innovations are cool”

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John Jung: “Intelligent Community Forum: objectives, awards programs and the Top 7 of the Year 2013”

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05.03.13 Tugitehnoloogiliste lahenduste komplekti avalik esitlus

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04.04.2013 IP “Deploying IT Infrastructure Solutions” team presentations

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Infotund sisseastujatele 25.06.2013

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Rektori kõne XI lennu lõpuaktusel

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RKRN’i auhind parimale lõputööle

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